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Are HYIPs legal?

Posted by Little Monster | 5:16 AM | 0 comments »

Nowadays, many consider HYIP as a growing and highly profitable industry. Some says it is like other forms of risk investments such as Forex and Stocks. However, investors treated HYIP as another form of gambling offline or online, which is of questionable legal status in the U.S. and some other countries where the odds of winning cannot be determined, as one cannot know whether one is playing early enough to win money. Thus, the risk involve in HYIP is so high.

To risk or not to risk?

A million dollar question. It really depends on you. HYIPs are extremely high risk. So, it would be helpful to do research and to spread your investments among a number of different programs in order to reduce the risks. The idea is you should not put all the eggs in one basket. Remember, all HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past performance of any programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. However, if you are aware of the risks, conduct a thorough research of the program you would invest in, and NEVER spend or invest what you cannot afford to lose. Bear in mind that in the HYIP world anything can happen in a short period of time that will catch you off guard. Just hope for the best but prepare for the worst!

As I promised on my previous post I will post my payments on Golden Invest on this post. So, here is my small that I can afford to lose but paid. If one got his fancy to join me at GI, please click the banner I placed at the sidebar of this page.

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